Thursday, 27 August 2009

Drunken Cook

For my final year exhibition, I re-created some of the characters from Geoffrey Chaucers' collection of stories called 'The Canterbury Tales'. This is a lino print showing the cook character who Chaucer regarded as a merry soul who liked to sing, dance and have a drink. To portay this character in my own visual way I have printed the cook in a jolly drunken pose with him holding a wine bottle. This has given the cook a visually pleasing look with a touch of humour.

We are watching you

Wheres My Gold!

For my final year exhibition, I recreated some of the characters from Geoffrey Chaucers' collection of stories called 'The Canterbury Tales'. This picture portrays the 'Shipman' character, of whom Chaucer regards as a rich merchant. This led me to the idea of portraying the shipman as a dark scheming pirate who steals gold. This lino print is around 2m in height and 1m in width. It is one of my proudest pieces of work which I have hanging on my bedroom wall.

The Canterbury Tales Spectacular

This is a 2m x 2m lino print showing three or four of the characters from the canterbury tales. Due to the size of this piece, it has to be one of my most treasured pieces of work that I created whilst at University. I had so much fun using my creative imagination during my final year project, I decided to design a montage of the characters altogether.

hello there

Crazy Horse

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


For my final year exhibition, I recreated some of the characters from Geoffrey Chaucers'collection of stories called 'The Canterbury Tales'. Despite Chaucer describing the miller as a bleary-eyed drunk, I saw the miller as a more powerful charcter who liked to throw his weight around. This led me to the idea that he could be quite a strong character with big biceps, very similar to a wrestler.

Strawberry man on the loose

Mr Crazy